aixweather package

AixWeather-Module. See readme or documentation for more information.



aixweather.data_quality_checks module

This module includes functions for analyzing and visualizing missing values.


Generate a heatmap to visualize missing values in a DataFrame.


df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be analyzed for missing values.


plt: A Matplotlib figure representing the heatmap of missing values.


prints df info for intermediate checks or debugging

aixweather.definitions module

This module includes variables or functions which define central variables for the whole project.

aixweather.definitions.result_folder_path() str[source]

Creates the path to the resultsfolder.

aixweather.definitions.results_file_path(filename: str, folder_path: str = None) str[source]

create a path to a results file


filename: name of file folder_path: path to result folder


str: path to result file

aixweather.project_class module

This module contains the central project classes which are used by the user.

class aixweather.project_class.ProjectClassCustom(path, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ProjectClassGeneral

A class representing a project for importing and processing custom weather data. Modify this class and its functions to create your own weather data pipeline and consider to create a pull request to add the pipeline to the repository.

For common attributes, properties, and methods, refer to the base class.


path (str): The file path to the custom weather data.


override abstract function


override abstract function

class aixweather.project_class.ProjectClassDWDForecast(station: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ProjectClassGeneral

A class representing a project for importing and processing weather forecast data from DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst).

For common attributes, properties, and methods, refer to the base class.


station (str): The identifier of the KML grid associated with the forecast data.


override abstract function


override abstract function

class aixweather.project_class.ProjectClassDWDHistorical(start: datetime, end: datetime, station: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ProjectClassGeneral

A class representing a project for importing and processing historical weather data from DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst).

For common attributes, properties, and methods, refer to the base class.


station (str): The identifier of the DWD weather station associated with the data.


override abstract function


override abstract function

class aixweather.project_class.ProjectClassEPW(path, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ProjectClassGeneral

A class representing a project for importing and processing weather data from EPW (EnergyPlus Weather) format.

For common attributes, properties, and methods, refer to the base class.


path (str): The absolute file path to the EPW weather data.


override abstract function


override abstract function

class aixweather.project_class.ProjectClassERC(start: datetime, end: datetime, cred: tuple = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ProjectClassGeneral

A class representing a project for importing and processing weather data from the ERC (Energy Research Center).

For common attributes, properties, and methods, refer to the base class.


cred (tuple): A tuple containing credentials or authentication information for accessing the data source.


override abstract function


override abstract function

class aixweather.project_class.ProjectClassGeneral(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC

An abstract base class representing a general project.

For each source of weather data, a project class should inherit from this class and implement specific methods for data import and transformation.

fillna (bool): A flag indicating whether NaN values should be filled

in the output formats.

abs_result_folder_path (str): Optionally define the absolute path to

the desired export location.

start (pd.Timestamp or None): The start date of the project data

(sometimes inferred by the inheriting class).

end (pd.Timestamp or None): The end date of the project data.


imported_data (pd.DataFrame): The imported weather data. core_data (pd.DataFrame): The weather data in a standardized core


output_df_<outputformat> (pd.DataFrame): The output data frame

(name depends on output format).

meta_data: Metadata associated with weather data origin.

import_data(): An abstract method to import data from the specific


data_2_core_data(): An abstract method to transform imported data into

core data format.

core_2_mos(): Convert core data to MOS format. core_2_epw(): Convert core data to EPW format. core_2_csv(): Convert core data to CSV format. core_2_json(): Convert core data to JSON format. core_2_pickle(): Convert core data to Pickle format.

core_2_csv(filename: str = None) str[source]

Convert core data to .csv file

filename (str): Name of the file to be saved. The default is constructed

based on the station name.


str: Path to the exported file.

core_2_epw(filename: str = None) str[source]

Convert core data to .epw file

filename (str): Name of the file to be saved. The default is constructed

based on the meta-data as well as start and stop time


str: Path to the exported file.

core_2_json(filename: str = None) str[source]

Convert core data to .json file

filename (str): Name of the file to be saved. The default is constructed

based on the station name.


str: Path to the exported file.

core_2_mos(filename: str = None) str[source]

Convert core data to .mos file

filename (str): Name of the file to be saved. The default is constructed

based on the meta-data as well as start and stop time


str: Path to the exported file.

core_2_pickle(filename: str = None) str[source]

Convert core data pickle file

filename (str): Name of the file to be saved. The default is constructed

based on the station name.


str: Path to the exported file.

property core_data

Get core data

abstract data_2_core_data()[source]

Abstract function to convert the imported data to core data.

abstract import_data()[source]

Abstract function to import weather data.

property imported_data

Get imported data


Make sure start and end are of type datetime and end is after start.

class aixweather.project_class.ProjectClassTRY(path, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ProjectClassGeneral

A class representing a project for importing and processing weather data from TRY (Test Reference Year) format.

For common attributes, properties, and methods, refer to the base class.


path (str): The absolute file path to the TRY weather data.


override abstract function


override abstract function