aixweather.transformation_to_core_data package

AixWeather Transformation to Core Data

The ‘transformation_to_core_data’ module contains functions to transform imported weather data to a standardized core data format within the AixWeather package (see

This core data format adheres to specific guidelines:

  • Timezone: UTC

  • Hourly data

  • Index is a datetime index (DatetimeIndex complete and monotonic)

  • Measurement at the indicated time (not as average for the following or preceding hour)

  • Always the same set of variables names (see core_data)

  • Missing values are displayed as ‘nan’

These transformation functions take imported_data as input and convert it to the specified core data format, ensuring uniformity and adherence to the core data guidelines.

Each module is designed to handle data from a specific source or format.


aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.DWD module

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.DWD.DWD_forecast_2_core_data(df_import: DataFrame, meta: MetaData) DataFrame[source]

Transform imported weather forecast data from DWD into core data format.


df_import (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing imported weather forecast data from DWD. meta (MetaData): Metadata associated with the data.


pd.DataFrame: The transformed DataFrame in the core data format.

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.DWD.DWD_historical_to_core_data(df_import: DataFrame, start: datetime, stop: datetime, meta: MetaData) DataFrame[source]

Transform imported weather data from DWD historical format into core data format.


df_import (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing imported weather data from DWD. start (datetime): The timestamp for the start of the desired data range (will be extended for interpolation). stop (datetime): The timestamp for the end of the desired data range (will be extended for interpolation). meta (MetaData): Metadata associated with the data.


pd.DataFrame: The transformed DataFrame in the core data format.

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.DWD.variables_to_sum_DWD_historical = ['DS_10', 'GS_10', 'LS_10', 'RWS_10']

format_DWD_forecast information:

Variable definitions: or (in origin unit)

checked by Martin Rätz 18.08.2023

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.EPW module

This module includes a function to transform EPW data to core data format.

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.EPW.EPW_to_core_data(df_import: DataFrame, meta: MetaData) DataFrame[source]

Transform imported EPW (EnergyPlus Weather) data into core data format.


df_import (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing imported EPW weather data. meta (MetaData): Metadata associated with the data.


pd.DataFrame: The transformed DataFrame in the core data format.

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.ERC module

This module includes functions to transform ERC data to core data format.

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.ERC.ERC_to_core_data(df_import: DataFrame, meta: MetaData) DataFrame[source]

Transform imported ERC (Energy Research Center) weather data into core data format.


df_import (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing imported ERC weather data. meta (MetaData): Metadata associated with the data.


pd.DataFrame: The transformed DataFrame in the core data format.

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.TRY module

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.TRY.TRY_to_core_data(df_import: DataFrame, meta: MetaData) DataFrame[source]

Transform imported TRY data of the formats 2015 and 2045 into the core data format.


df_import (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing imported TRY weather data. meta (MetaData): Metadata associated with the data.


pd.DataFrame: The transformed DataFrame in the core data format.

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.custom_file module

Change this file to your custom requirements. See the info file in the same directory for requirements of the returned df.

aixweather.transformation_to_core_data.custom_file.custom_to_core_data(df_import: DataFrame, meta: MetaData) DataFrame[source]

Converts custom data to core_data