teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingsystems package


teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingsystems.buildingahu module

This module includes a class for central AHU

class teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingsystems.buildingahu.BuildingAHU(parent=None)[source]

Bases: object

BuildingAHU Class

This class holds information for a central Air Handling Unit (AHU). This class is very AixLib specific and holds some parameters that are only applicable to AixLib Central AHU model. If you are using other models these values might have no effect.

parent: Building()

The parent class of this object, the Building the AHU belongs to. Allows for better control of hierarchical structures. (default: None)


Heating Function of AHU (default = True)


Cooling Function of AHU (default = True)


Dehumidification Function of AHU (Cooling and Heating must be enabled) (default = True)


Humidification Function of AHU (Cooling and Heating must be enabled) (default = True)


Is a HeatRecoverySystem physically integrated in the AHU AixLib: ‘HRS’ (default = True)


By-pass factor of cooling coil during dehumidification. Necessary to calculate the real outgoing enthalpy flow of heat exchanger in dehumidification mode taking the surface enthalpy of the cooling coil into account. In AixLib called “BPF_DeHu” (default = 0.2, according to [21])


efficiency of HRS in the AHU modes if HRS is enabled. AixLib: “efficiencyHRS_enabled” (default = 0.65, according to [22])


taking a little heat transfer into account although HRS is disabled (in case that a HRS is physically installed in the AHU) in AixLib: “efficiencyHRS_disabled” (default = 0.2, according to [23])


sample rate of state machines in AHU model. Default is set to half an hour as typical input is hourly (default = 1800)


Efficiency of supply fan (default = 0.7)

efficiency_fan_return: float

Efficiency of return fan (default = 0.7)

pressure_drop_fan_supply: float (default 800)

Pressure drop assigned to supply fan in Pascal

pressure_drop_fan_return: float (default 800)

Pressure drop assigned to return fan in Pascal


timeline of temperatures requirements for AHU simulation


timeline of relative humidity requirements for AHU simulation


timeline of relative humidity requirements for AHU simulation


timeline of desired relative v_flow of the AHU simulation (0..1)

  • Note: The AixLib parameter “WithProfile” determines whether the (v_flow_profile combined with “min_ahu and max_ahu”) or the (persons_profile combined with “min_ahu and max_ahu”) is used for the AHU supply flow calculations. Per default: (v_flow_profile combined with “min_ahu and max_ahu”)

property max_relative_humidity_profile
property min_relative_humidity_profile
property parent
property temperature_profile
property v_flow_profile